January 30th Bikerday at the Capitol

Bikerday registration is now closed.


No Change to the Motorcycle Helmet Law
The motorcyclists of Minnesota ask that you continue to support the current Minnesota motorcycle helmet law, which requires those under 18 and those on a learners permit to wear a helmet while allowing endorsed adults the choice to wear or not to wear a helmet while operating a motorcycle. No helmet on the market can prevent a crash. The best way to prevent injuries is to prevent crashes. Crash avoidance and holding those who use our roadways accountable for their actions are the key factors for injury prevention.

Update Minnesota’s Equal Access Law
The current equal access statute (Minnesota Statue 604.12, Subd. 3) limits attorney fees to $500 and caps punitive damages at $500 in civil actions for violations of access to public accommodations. Removing these caps would ensure that individuals who are wrongfully denied access can afford adequate legal representation and receive fair compensation. This would also allow more equitable access to justice and ensure that punitive damages serve as a meaningful deterrent against violation.

Reduce the Sales Tax Imposed on Older Motorcycles
SF-54 Gruenhagen
Motorcyclists who transfer a title for a motorcycle which is ten years old or older and valued at less than $3,000 or have a motorcycle that is 20 years old or older who ask for a “Classic” specialty plate, pay a much higher rate of sales tax than an automobile meeting those criteria. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota feels this is wrong and introduce legislation to have motorcycles on an even scale with automobiles. Motorcycles cause almost zero damage to our roads and should not be taxed at a higher rate than cars and trucks.

Curtail Profiling of Motorcyclists in Minnesota
Motorcyclists are frequently stopped by police as they travel simply because they ride a motorcycle or are wearing motorcycle riding apparel. Often these stops are accompanied with the explanation that a traffic infraction has occurred, which is not always the case. In some cases, people have been told they are violating a law that does not exist. In other cases, the violation cited simply has not occurred. Motorcyclists come from all walks of life, and most are law abiding citizens. Motorcyclists should not be treated differently from other members of the transportation mix. We support legislation that assures chief law enforcement officers, at the state and local level, establish a written policy governing the conduct of peace officers engaged in stops of motorcycle riding citizens. 

Oppose Oppressive Insurance Requirements
A.B.A.T.E. of MN believes in keeping our current motorcycle insurance laws. Each year there are proposed bills that would require all Minnesota motorcyclists to carry uninsured and underinsured insurance. This is opposed by a broad coalition of Minnesota motorcyclists. There are many insurance options in addition to the liability requirements that may be of benefit to a motorcycle rider, but these policy additions should be the motorcyclist’s option. The passage of any legislation may have unintended consequences. Riders who face large increases in motorcycle insurance may choose to not purchase insurance at all.

Oppose Vehicle Sales Mandates
A.B.A.T.E. of MN opposes vehicle sales mandates. Some states, including Minnesota, are attempting to mandate a high percentage of new vehicles sold must be plug in electric or electric hybrid. Not knowing how these mandates would affect the sale of new motorcycles, this is a great concern to the motorcycling public. Motorcyclists oppose mandates that remove choice concerning make, model, style, fuel type, or other options of new vehicles considered for purchase.


Bikerday 2025 is quickly approaching, and we need your help!

This is an extremely important day for motorcycle rights in Minnesota. Not only do we have expenses for the event in the Rotunda, but the buses are a huge cost. Will your chapter help support this event by contributing financially? Will you help promote Bikerday by helping fill the buses? Both are critical to our motorcycle rights.  We really need you!

Please ask your chapter to fill out the attached form and bring it to the January Board of Directors meeting. With your help it can be a great success.  And don't forget to bring a friend, child, and/or a grandchild.
