Lane Splitting Law

Important: this law does not take effect until July 1, 2025.
The law states, A person may operate a motorcycle and overtake and pass another vehicle in the same direction of travel and within the same traffic lane if the motorcycle is operated under the following conditions:
1. The maximum speed of travel when lane Splitting/ filtering is 25 MPH.
2. The motorcycle must not be traveling at a speed greater than 15 MPH over the speed of traffic.
view HF 5247 4th Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) 79.18 – 79.31

2025 A.B.A.T.E. of MN State Rally

State Rally Committee Meetings:
February 15th, Litchfield Eagles Club, Litchfield, 12:00 pm
March 15th, Litchfield Eagles Club, Litchfield, 12:00 pm
April 25th, A.B.A.T.E. University - BOD, Holiday Inn, Alexandria, 8:00 pm
May 31st, Litchfield Eagles Club, Litchfield, 12:00 pm
July 18th, BOD location, 8:00 pm
August 24th, Litchfield Fairgrounds,1:00 pm

Passport Run

We are accepting new entry forms for stops and sponsors for the 2025 Passport Run season.
If you want to see local stops in your area in the new book, please sign them up.
All entry forms and fees for must be mailed by Feb 13th to the address on the form, see attachment.


Young Riders MN

A.B.A.T.E. of MN Young Riders is a program created to provide information and activities of interest to young people. As a Young Rider, you will receive communication from our Young Riders program through electronic means that may be of interest to you. For more information, if you have any ideas or questions, please contact us at

To become a member of the Young Riders Program, complete the attached "Young Riders Program Application".