Effective date is July 1, 2024
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 169.56, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 6. Motorcycle ground light. Notwithstanding section 169.64, subdivision 4a, a motorcycle may be equipped with white ground lights mounted under the motorcycle if:
(1) the bulbs or strips are not visible to operators of other vehicles; and
(2) the lights are aimed as to project a steady, nonflashing beam not more than six feet in radius directly onto the roadway and illuminate an area around the motorcycle.
View HF 3436 4th Engrossment 24.18 – 24.22.

For more information, please reach out to A.B.A.T.E. MN legislative team legislative@abatemn.org


Subd. 9.Affirmative defense relating to unchanging traffic-control signal.

(a) A person operating a bicycle or motorcycle who violates subdivision 4 by entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light has an affirmative defense to that charge if the person establishes all of the following conditions:

  1. the bicycle or motorcycle has been brought to a complete stop;
  2. the traffic-control signal continues to show a red light for an unreasonable time;
  3. the traffic-control signal is apparently malfunctioning or, if programmed or engineered to change to a green light only after detecting the approach of a motor vehicle, the signal has apparently failed to detect the arrival of the bicycle or motorcycle; and
  4. no motor vehicle or person is approaching on the street or highway to be crossed or entered or is so far away from the intersection that it does not constitute an immediate hazard.

(b) The affirmative defense in this subdivision applies only to a violation for entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light and does not provide a defense to any other civil or criminal action.